Conditions of Sale

1. Waiting Time. Prices are quoted on the assumption that no unreasonable delay in discharge will occur. Waiting Time allowance is up to 45 minutes from arrival. Thereafter Waiting Time will be charged at £50.00 every 15 minutes.

2. Access. Each order is accepted by us on the understanding that your site can be approached by a hard road capable of supporting the weight of our lorrie. Our Drivers are empowered to refuse delivery if in their opinion there exists a risk of damage to our vehicle(s) or the Local Authority highway/walkway, with you being responsible for cost incurred if the delivery is aborted. The cost of which is £300 plus VAT. We accept no liability for damaged caused to the local authority highway/walkway and or your road or property or property of others on the site by use of our vehicles. You shall be liable to make good any damage caused to our vehicles, or harm caused to our personnel by reason of defects in the access road or negligence on the part of you or your employees.

3. Water. Extra water affecting strength or workability shall be noted on the Ticket/Invoice and is added only at the customer’s request and risk.

4. Cancellation. No charge will be made for cancellation by you up to 2 hours before time of departure except in the event that goods have been specifically processed to meet your requirements. In this event you will meet the expense incurred. These ordered and delivered to site consignment must be paid for in full at the time of delivery completion.

5. Defects. Our liability in respect of defects in our ready-mixed concrete (including failure to comply with specifications) is limited to the cost of removal and replacement. We can only accept such liability where you can establish that:

  1. no additional water or other material has been added to the product after it has been declared by our agent or employee as ready for acceptance
  2. the sample tested has been taken during discharge from our vehicle in accordance with the relevant clauses of BSEN12350, BSEN12390 and BS8500
  3. all sampling, making, curing and testing of specimens has been carried out in accordance with the relevant clauses of BSEN1230 and BSEN12390
  4. test results have been interpreted in accordance with BS8500 or any other specification previously agreed by us. It should be recognised that for a well controlled continuous production there is always the slight probability of a result occurring below the compliance limit and that it is not normally possible to predict its occurrence
  5. references to compressive strength in the specification shall unless otherwise agreed refer to compressive strength obtained from concrete cubes, made, cured and tested in accordance with BS8500 and BSEN12390 by a UKAS Approved Test House
  6. you have notified us of any result indicating a possible failure to meet the specification as soon as the results are available to you
  7. we have been given the opportunity of investigating any alleged defect and of making recommendations as to any remedial action to be taken.

6. Consequential Loss. We shall in no circumstances be liable for consequential loss or damage.

7. Delays. We reserve the right to suspend or delay without penalty of any kind in the event of war, civil commotion, lockouts, fire, fog or other inclement weather conditions, delays, in any type of transport, non-availability, plant or truck breakdown or any accident or other cause.

8. Price Variation. Quoted prices are based on the cost of materials and labour ruling at the date of quotation. In the event of fluctuation of cost we reserve the right to make corresponding variation in prices, after giving due notice.

9. Acceptance. If production on site is not possible and or is aborted for any reason by the customer the minimum delivery charge will apply (£300 plus VAT).

10. Payment. Quoted prices apply to payment by cash-on-delivery or by previously agreed credit arrangements. We reserve the right to refuse to execute any order or discontinue deliveries if the arrangements for payment or your credit is not satisfactory to us, or if your account is overdue for payment.

11. Cash-On-Delivery. The amount indicated on the face of the delivery Ticket which is also our Sales Invoice, must be paid to the driver after discharge. Our driver will provide the customer with of copy of the Ticket/Sales Invoice acknowledging receipt of the payment.

12. Conditions. Any contract resulting from acceptance of the quotation shall be subject to these Conditions to the exclusions of any conditions which you seek to impose. No variation of these conditions may be agreed except in writing over the signature of a Director of Ronimix Concrete Limited.

13. Customer’s signature on our Ticket/Sales Invoice shall be deemed acknowledgement and acceptance of these conditions of sale.

Any product supplied will remain the property of Ronimix Concrete Limited until payment has been received in full.